In the Sacramento Bee, more news on the dangers of not choosing wisely for the right person to run Sacramento and support teachers' associations and all of the hard work teachers do for our students. More problems with candidate KJ:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Natomas School Board Campaign Activities
Natomas School Board Campaign Activities
- Bruce Roberts, Susan Heredia & Jules Tran
Thank you to all who attended the kick-off and to all others who have express support for our campaign.
With less than 6 weeks until Election Day there is a lot to do.
Phone Banking will be every Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday, from 5:30 to 8:30. We began our phone banking last night and we are still looking for volunteers.
Phone Bank Mon/Tue/Wen 5:30 to 8:30;
4714 Duckhorn Drive, Sacramento CA 95834
(MME Consulting, West of 1-5, just south of Del Paso Road)
Precint Walks Begin this Saturday at 10:00am
We need additional volunteers for this Saturday's start.
Walk Location;
We will meet at the house of Jules Tran
15 Nautica Court, Sac, CA 95833 ( Near Two Rivers)
Thank you and we look forward to your help.
Bruce Roberts
- Bruce Roberts, Susan Heredia & Jules Tran
Thank you to all who attended the kick-off and to all others who have express support for our campaign.
With less than 6 weeks until Election Day there is a lot to do.
Phone Banking will be every Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday, from 5:30 to 8:30. We began our phone banking last night and we are still looking for volunteers.
Phone Bank Mon/Tue/Wen 5:30 to 8:30;
4714 Duckhorn Drive, Sacramento CA 95834
(MME Consulting, West of 1-5, just south of Del Paso Road)
Precint Walks Begin this Saturday at 10:00am
We need additional volunteers for this Saturday's start.
Walk Location;
We will meet at the house of Jules Tran
15 Nautica Court, Sac, CA 95833 ( Near Two Rivers)
Thank you and we look forward to your help.
Bruce Roberts
Teachers - Need Volunteers

Please see the flyer attached - the Friends of the Parks and Schools in North Natomas are planning to help with this tree planting project at the still developing Regional Park. Please come and help plant trees. You don't have to have experience - the Sacramento Tree Foundation people will train us. And for you dog lovers (like us), the trees will hopefully be the start of a dog park in that area.
This area in located north and west of Inderkum HS.
Please call Brenda Borge if you are able to come help.
(916) 419-8933
Thank you!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sept. 20th Campaign Kick-Off
Natomas Community and teachers - we need volunteers. We would love to see you if you can make a campaign kick-off event (with refreshments) today between 3:00 and 7:00 pm, please call Fred Lavell or Brenda Borge for directions. (916) 419-8933
Time to get the word out about the November school board election!
Natomas Teachers' Association has endorsed:
Jules Tran
Bruce Roberts and
Sue Heredia
Time to get the word out about the November school board election!
Natomas Teachers' Association has endorsed:
Jules Tran
Bruce Roberts and
Sue Heredia
Friday, September 12, 2008
State Budget Update and Call to Action
Please make your own calls and send the following alert out to your networks:
The Senate has announced another budget vote for Friday September 12th, on the Governor’s August Revise – once again, deep cuts to vital services for all Californians are at stake, both now and into the future.
CALL YOUR SENATOR NOW -- and forward this message to your networks statewide!
1. Call 1-888-268-4334, the "Cuts Hurt Hotline."
2. Press 1, to enter your zip code and be connected directly to your Senator.
3. Tell your Senator:
"OPPOSE the Governor's August Revise because it has:
n EVEN DEEPER CUTS to our students, seniors, people with disabilities, families and all Californians – putting even more strain on our schools, hospitals, home care, and all vital services.
n A SHORT-SIGHTED CAP that would have taken away $8 billion in investment in education, health care, and other vital services this year, if it had been put in place a decade ago.
n A TEMPORARY FIX (via a 1 cent sales tax boost for 3 years, and then a drop by 1 ¼ cent), rather than the long-term revenue we need to prevent deeper cuts and invest in our future."
Your calls have made a *substantial* difference, especially in the last two weeks: On Monday, the Senate defeated the proposed Republican Budget, which had the most devastating cuts yet and only irresponsible borrowing. (The Assembly followed suit on Tuesday). And as Labor Day weekend began, your calls helped defeat Sen. Perata’s modified version of the Governor’s August Revise. Now, we need to do it again – defeat the Governor’s August Revise and make sure our legislators passes a responsible, compassionate budget with no more cuts and the real revenues we need.
For more background on the Governor's August Revise:
n Talking Points from T4CF --
n Comparisons of the budget proposals – from Education Coalition, Health Access, and County Welfare Directors Association -- are also posted at
n CA Department of Finance, Governor’s August Revise --
The Senate has announced another budget vote for Friday September 12th, on the Governor’s August Revise – once again, deep cuts to vital services for all Californians are at stake, both now and into the future.
CALL YOUR SENATOR NOW -- and forward this message to your networks statewide!
1. Call 1-888-268-4334, the "Cuts Hurt Hotline."
2. Press 1, to enter your zip code and be connected directly to your Senator.
3. Tell your Senator:
"OPPOSE the Governor's August Revise because it has:
n EVEN DEEPER CUTS to our students, seniors, people with disabilities, families and all Californians – putting even more strain on our schools, hospitals, home care, and all vital services.
n A SHORT-SIGHTED CAP that would have taken away $8 billion in investment in education, health care, and other vital services this year, if it had been put in place a decade ago.
n A TEMPORARY FIX (via a 1 cent sales tax boost for 3 years, and then a drop by 1 ¼ cent), rather than the long-term revenue we need to prevent deeper cuts and invest in our future."
Your calls have made a *substantial* difference, especially in the last two weeks: On Monday, the Senate defeated the proposed Republican Budget, which had the most devastating cuts yet and only irresponsible borrowing. (The Assembly followed suit on Tuesday). And as Labor Day weekend began, your calls helped defeat Sen. Perata’s modified version of the Governor’s August Revise. Now, we need to do it again – defeat the Governor’s August Revise and make sure our legislators passes a responsible, compassionate budget with no more cuts and the real revenues we need.
For more background on the Governor's August Revise:
n Talking Points from T4CF --
n Comparisons of the budget proposals – from Education Coalition, Health Access, and County Welfare Directors Association -- are also posted at
n CA Department of Finance, Governor’s August Revise --
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
School Board Candidate Endorsements Announced
The Natomas TA Political Action Committee (PAC) interviewed all six of the school board candidates running for this November's election and based on the interview questions (listed below), have decided to endorse the following three candidates:
Bruce Roberts, Sue Heredia and Jules Tran.
For a list of questions we asked candidates, please see the list below. These questions will show you what the Natomas Teachers' Association's values and priorities are. Please visit our booth at the Celebrate Natomas event this Saturday for more information.
Interview Questions:
1. Why are you running for the Natomas School Board? What do you hope to add to make this district better?
2. What do you feel are the greatest strengths and the greatest weaknesses of the Natomas Unified School District?
3. What school board decision in the past three years would you change and why?
4. Many parents are concerned especially at the secondary level about the safety of the schools. What plans do you have to support resolutions that will increase safety in the schools?
5. Teacher morale is very important to the success of our students’ educational programs. How would you improve teacher morale?
6. We believe retaining high quality, dedicated teachers is of great importance to the health of our district; however, we have one of the worst turnover rates in the area. What is your plan to reverse this trend?
7. If elected to the school board, what plans do you have to improve teacher and parent communication and support throughout the district?
8. As a school board member, you will receive the majority of your information regarding the state of the district from the administration, via their written reports and in the monthly closed session meetings. What are your plans to look beyond the administration and seek out other perspectives on important issues?
9. Often, as a board member, you will have an individual opinion that may conflict with other board members, the administration or teachers. How do you assert yourself under this kind of pressure?
10. NTA is concerned about the proliferation of charter schools in our district. They take away facility and ADA revenue from our schools. What is your view on charter schools and what kind of accountability do they have to the Natomas School Board?
11. Strategy Four of the District’s Strategic Plan calls for “consistently communicating information, increasing public awareness and soliciting public support.” What plans do you have to showcase the Natomas schools to the public?
12. NTA holds regularly schedule monthly meeting with board members. Would you uphold this tradition to meet with us monthly?
13. Teacher’s salaries can help retain well-qualified people and help attract well-qualified teachers to the district. As far as salaries go, our district has a low ranking when compared to surrounding districts. How important are teacher’s salaries are when compared to the other important budget issues?
Bruce Roberts, Sue Heredia and Jules Tran.
For a list of questions we asked candidates, please see the list below. These questions will show you what the Natomas Teachers' Association's values and priorities are. Please visit our booth at the Celebrate Natomas event this Saturday for more information.
Interview Questions:
1. Why are you running for the Natomas School Board? What do you hope to add to make this district better?
2. What do you feel are the greatest strengths and the greatest weaknesses of the Natomas Unified School District?
3. What school board decision in the past three years would you change and why?
4. Many parents are concerned especially at the secondary level about the safety of the schools. What plans do you have to support resolutions that will increase safety in the schools?
5. Teacher morale is very important to the success of our students’ educational programs. How would you improve teacher morale?
6. We believe retaining high quality, dedicated teachers is of great importance to the health of our district; however, we have one of the worst turnover rates in the area. What is your plan to reverse this trend?
7. If elected to the school board, what plans do you have to improve teacher and parent communication and support throughout the district?
8. As a school board member, you will receive the majority of your information regarding the state of the district from the administration, via their written reports and in the monthly closed session meetings. What are your plans to look beyond the administration and seek out other perspectives on important issues?
9. Often, as a board member, you will have an individual opinion that may conflict with other board members, the administration or teachers. How do you assert yourself under this kind of pressure?
10. NTA is concerned about the proliferation of charter schools in our district. They take away facility and ADA revenue from our schools. What is your view on charter schools and what kind of accountability do they have to the Natomas School Board?
11. Strategy Four of the District’s Strategic Plan calls for “consistently communicating information, increasing public awareness and soliciting public support.” What plans do you have to showcase the Natomas schools to the public?
12. NTA holds regularly schedule monthly meeting with board members. Would you uphold this tradition to meet with us monthly?
13. Teacher’s salaries can help retain well-qualified people and help attract well-qualified teachers to the district. As far as salaries go, our district has a low ranking when compared to surrounding districts. How important are teacher’s salaries are when compared to the other important budget issues?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Statewide Day of Action This Friday, September 5
A message from CTA President, David Sanchez:
Welcome back to school. I know every time we’ve seen each other over the summer at various conferences, I’ve been talking about the state budget crisis. I wish I could deliver a different message with this e-mail, but there has been no resolution on the state budget. It is unacceptable that legislators haven’t been able to compromise on a responsible solution to California’s enormous deficit—especially when a balanced and fair plan exists with the original Conference Committee Report.
If lawmakers don’t pass a budget by mid-September, schools will suffer another $2.5 billion in lost cash flow. We can’t sit back while this happens. CTA is calling for a statewide day of action this Friday, September 5, to urge lawmakers to find the additional revenues needed to save our students and schools from further cuts. We already rank 46th in per-pupil spending. Many of you have already been working with your local CTA representatives to plan events and demonstrations. Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our profession.
We have online resources for you to use this Friday available at . They include:
• Where We Stand: Day of Action Talking Points • A “Cuts Hurt” Hotline Day of Action Flier • A Sample Day of Action Event Flier
Please know we are making a difference in this state budget. Together, we’ve fought off some very damaging “solutions” and borrowing schemes in this budget crisis already. And together, we will do everything possible to secure a budget that protects our students, schools, and community colleges from deeper cuts.
David A. SanchezCTA President
Welcome back to school. I know every time we’ve seen each other over the summer at various conferences, I’ve been talking about the state budget crisis. I wish I could deliver a different message with this e-mail, but there has been no resolution on the state budget. It is unacceptable that legislators haven’t been able to compromise on a responsible solution to California’s enormous deficit—especially when a balanced and fair plan exists with the original Conference Committee Report.
If lawmakers don’t pass a budget by mid-September, schools will suffer another $2.5 billion in lost cash flow. We can’t sit back while this happens. CTA is calling for a statewide day of action this Friday, September 5, to urge lawmakers to find the additional revenues needed to save our students and schools from further cuts. We already rank 46th in per-pupil spending. Many of you have already been working with your local CTA representatives to plan events and demonstrations. Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and our profession.
We have online resources for you to use this Friday available at . They include:
• Where We Stand: Day of Action Talking Points • A “Cuts Hurt” Hotline Day of Action Flier • A Sample Day of Action Event Flier
Please know we are making a difference in this state budget. Together, we’ve fought off some very damaging “solutions” and borrowing schemes in this budget crisis already. And together, we will do everything possible to secure a budget that protects our students, schools, and community colleges from deeper cuts.
David A. SanchezCTA President
Go Green
In an effort to use less paper, NTA Rep Council has requested that we publish as much as we can do at this blog site. Stay tuned for more postings and less paper! We're working to save the environment, one post at a time.
September Newsletter
Natomas Teachers’ Association Newsletter
September 2008
Calendar of Events:
§ Rep Council Meeting – Thurs, Sept 4th, 4:00 pm, LFG, Room 406
§ Meeting with Lisa Kaplan @It’s a Grind, Monday, Sept. 8th, 3:30 pm
§ Meeting with Ron Dwyer-Voss @ It’s a Grind, Tuesday, Sept. 9th, 3:30pm
§ Meeting with Teri Burns @ It’s a Grind, Tues. Sept. 9th, 5:30pm
§ School Board Mtg. – Wed, Sept. 10th, D.O. 6:00 pm
§ Celebrate Natomas, Saturday, Sept. 13th at Natomas Community Center
(Board Member meetings are generally the Monday and Tuesday before board meetings each month. Please feel free to attend or send us items of interest to address with board members.)
Your Executive Board:
President: Brenda Borge, LFG
Vice-President: Jeanne Gute, TR
Treasurer: Carey Resch, LFG
Co-Secretary: Amber Allison, JF
Co-Secretary: Cora Victorine, HE, WR
Membership Chair: Cynthia Connell, LFG
Grievance Chair: Leslie Levine-McGhie, HE
Bargaining Chair: Cynthia Bluewater, D.O.
PAC Chair: Fred Lavell, AL
Welcome to all of the new teachers to the NTA and NUSD, and also we welcome another new school opening - H. Allen Hight Elementary School. As we keep growing, we keep getting better and better!
Political Action Committee
If you love the political season and want to get involved, let us know if you can help with the PAC Committee.
Please contact Fred Lavell to help with the school board elections from now until November.
Celebrate Natomas Event
Come visit your NTA booth on Saturday, Sept. 13th anytime between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm – there is always food, arts and entertainment by Natomas students. It’s a blast!
If you would like to use your personal strengths to help with any association activities, we want you! So please contact us and we will find you something to do! Put the U back in Union!
Please visit our new blog site:
Please note - comments are moderated for public consumption.
Coming soon - our own NING (a secured social network site for Natomas teachers)
CA Budget Crisis Update - Please visit your CTA website at:
September 2008
Calendar of Events:
§ Rep Council Meeting – Thurs, Sept 4th, 4:00 pm, LFG, Room 406
§ Meeting with Lisa Kaplan @It’s a Grind, Monday, Sept. 8th, 3:30 pm
§ Meeting with Ron Dwyer-Voss @ It’s a Grind, Tuesday, Sept. 9th, 3:30pm
§ Meeting with Teri Burns @ It’s a Grind, Tues. Sept. 9th, 5:30pm
§ School Board Mtg. – Wed, Sept. 10th, D.O. 6:00 pm
§ Celebrate Natomas, Saturday, Sept. 13th at Natomas Community Center
(Board Member meetings are generally the Monday and Tuesday before board meetings each month. Please feel free to attend or send us items of interest to address with board members.)
Your Executive Board:
President: Brenda Borge, LFG
Vice-President: Jeanne Gute, TR
Treasurer: Carey Resch, LFG
Co-Secretary: Amber Allison, JF
Co-Secretary: Cora Victorine, HE, WR
Membership Chair: Cynthia Connell, LFG
Grievance Chair: Leslie Levine-McGhie, HE
Bargaining Chair: Cynthia Bluewater, D.O.
PAC Chair: Fred Lavell, AL
Welcome to all of the new teachers to the NTA and NUSD, and also we welcome another new school opening - H. Allen Hight Elementary School. As we keep growing, we keep getting better and better!
Political Action Committee
If you love the political season and want to get involved, let us know if you can help with the PAC Committee.
Please contact Fred Lavell to help with the school board elections from now until November.
Celebrate Natomas Event
Come visit your NTA booth on Saturday, Sept. 13th anytime between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm – there is always food, arts and entertainment by Natomas students. It’s a blast!
If you would like to use your personal strengths to help with any association activities, we want you! So please contact us and we will find you something to do! Put the U back in Union!
Please visit our new blog site:
Please note - comments are moderated for public consumption.
Coming soon - our own NING (a secured social network site for Natomas teachers)
CA Budget Crisis Update - Please visit your CTA website at:
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