Monday, May 26, 2008

Mayoral Race - Our viewpoint

The Natomas Teachers' Association have several former Sac High Charter teachers who report, first-hand, the many serious problems they had working for Kevin Johnson. The take-over of Sac High Charter was not only illegal, but also an anti-labor action - therefore, we do not endorse any candidate who displays such blatant anti-labor actions against teachers. We plan to back candidates who share our values of a free and public education for all children, and who demonstrate that they beleive all people are created equal regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Because we think that Natomas, despite it's rapid growth, is the greatest area of Sacramento, we are pleased with our current mayor's efforts these past few years. Can we do better? Always. Do we need change? We will always have changes. We need to keep Natomas great and make it greater. We need a mayor who knows Natomas and will advocate for Natomas. Therefore, we support Mayor Fargo to continue these efforts.

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