Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 2008

Another school year begins and NTA welcomed in to the district over 50 new teachers to the Natomas Teachers' Association. The new teachers attended orientation this past week, and enrolled in NEA/CTA and NTA as well as disability and other helpful resources and services for teachers. The wonderful thing for these teachers are that they are part of a larger organization in CA that provides workshops and support for teachers in many, many ways - and we will be checking in with the new teachers to see what needs they have.
WELCOME TO NATOMAS and the teaching profession!


Anonymous said...

How was the opening of H. Allen Hight and how will it change next year when the middle school students attend?

Natomas Educator said...

There is also a new thing called on the internet called a "ning" which we learned about this summer that allows for restricted membership and discussion by and for members. That way, this blog can be available for public consumption while the "ning" can be a vehicle for members consumption. We'll be looking into this further.