Thursday, December 11, 2008

Editorial - Why a Lack of District Support for LFG?

The following was written in response to the district's response so far to the safety concerns from the LFG teachers:

So it's my classroom instruction, is it? Yes, that's got to be it. I think instead of concentrating on my classroom instruction, I am being forced to concentrate on other things such as performing extra tasks: hallway duty, bus duty, breaking up student fighting, writing citations for tardies, serving detention, etc. I know what I can do to be a better teacher! I can stop doing non-instructional activities and focus on being the best classroom teacher that I can be. Yes, that's what I will spend my time on instead. In order to do that, I will have to say no to hallway duty and after school tutoring. I'm glad that parents were in agreement with our flyer, because that's exactly what what we are letting them know. I guess the district will also eventually make that connection. Teacher success = student success

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