Tuesday, March 23, 2010

School Closure Decision Made

The NUSD school board, upon recommendation of NUSD district office staff, voted tonight to close Leroy Greene Middle School starting 2010-2011. Board comments ranged from citing budgetary concerns (puzzling, because closing the school does not save the district money), to concerns about adults getting along (which adults are they referring to?). Despite a two year plan for middle school design, a one and a half year plan for program improvement (guess we didn't wear enough "blue-ribbons"?), and other committees such as a school closure committee that met for six months - this current decision regarding Leroy Greene has spanned approximately three weeks with no regard or collaboration with site staff. NTA questions how anything meaningful and sustainable can be implemented in the eight weeks left of the school year. As one board member noted, this board has been known to make snap decisions they later regretted and/or found to not get the results they expected, such as the claim to save rent on the old NP3 site on which the district is still paying $600,000 (empty building). Yes, the board has made decisions that have not been well thought out or were ill-advised. Well guess what? Apparently, yet another one was made again tonight. Who really loses in this one? The students who lost their school, and all the time they will spend in-transit to Natomas Middle. Finally, as always, their teachers (a combination of LFG and NMS teachers who remain) will be there to welcome them with open arms. And the district staff that can't even correctly identify the curriculum that we are using, will continue to be entrusted to conjure up more new scenarios (greener pastures anyone?) to be implemented at some future date. With this kind of track record, it's no wonder that we once again shake our heads in disbelief at another opportunity lost.

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