Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bargaining Update - December 1st, 2010

NTA met with the district today, Wed. Dec. 1st, to continue negotiations. The meeting was productive, as NTA and the district clarified our respective proposals, particularly in the area of the fed. jobs funds. NTA inquired about the county's Nov. 30th deadline, and the district responded that it assumed the county had gone ahead with filing for state receivership. Indeed, as KCRA has reported today, in an interview with County superintendent Gordon, he indicates that he began that process. He also acknowledged that employee negotiations continue. As such, NTA meets again with the district on Monday, Dec. 6th. To view the current proposals from NTA and the district, and to provide the bargaining team with your input on bargaining, please do attend the NTA Communication Committee's site-level meetings occuring this week and next. We look forward to your participation and input.

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