Sunday, September 19, 2010

2010 STAR API (Student Test Scores) are published

To view the Sacramento County schools test scores, access this link:,SACRAMENTO

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 2010 Negotiations Update

NTA Negotiators had our first meeting of this school year on Monday, Sept. 13th, with NUSD. The district presented counters to NTA proposals from last spring on contract articles IV (salary) and VIII (safety). The district also proposed the equivalent of a 10% salary cut on all employment groups in an attempt to balance their 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 budget scenario to be presented to the County. As the district's unaudited actuals were presented to the public and NTA as recently as last week's school board meeting, NTA, with the assistance of CTA staff, will be reviewing the district's budget documents in the upcoming weeks. Future negotiations sessions have been scheduled for this month and next. For clarification and input, seek out the bargaining team or NTA executive board, and CTA staff.